Henk van den Berg

His training in Commercial Economics led directly to a career in the metals industry. Henk gained experience working with steel and stainless steel with a previous employer, where he got to know a number of later Amari colleagues. Their paths crossed again when he joined Amari Metals in 2004, which was still housed in our previous accommodation in Nieuwegein at the time. At Amari, Henk advises clients on everything related to aluminum profiles, from buying and selling to thinking about development of new products with them. ‘In this way, you can work very closely with your customers. We are part of a large group, but we are truly independent, this makes Amari Metals such a great company.’ Henk enjoys sports, especially cycling and swimming. He also plays acoustic guitar and, among other things, he supervises youth services in the church.

Why customers choose Amari Metals

Ontzorgen logistiek van RVS buizen

Carefree logistics

Anodiseren aluminium

High-quality finish

Customisation for every sector

Opslag en voorraadbeheer van RVS buizen

Storage and stock management